Friday, November 17, 2017

"Un-Fuck the System" issue #0

Issue #0 "Skool" is available here 
Pick up a copy in Italian or English, be sure to choose the language.

Enjoy my dissent.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Last summer

I won't see my best friend for quite a while so I thought this was the time to publish all the pictures I took when she came over and we spent all the night watching films.

Oh and she has a make-up account on instagram where she publishes all her makeups (). They are cool. The page is creativecreepiness

Friday, November 3, 2017


I wrote this on Octber 11th

I am walking through the streets of my city. But I don't feel like myself. I feel disembodied, somebody else, or something else has taken my place.
I'll move house in 4 days and this will never be my city again.
A flash of memories came rushing through my brain: the christmas decorations, the easter spent eating chocolate on the sofa, the sundays sitting at the kitchen table talking to my family, the halloween trick or treating, the long night walks when everybody's sleeping and the city is more beautiful.
The long fall evenings spent reading and talking to my middle school best friend at the phone, when instant messaging and smart phones weren't invented yet.
I guess more than my city I'll miss my past. But living in the past doesn't help.

Cherishing memories is important but making sure to keep living and making more memories is the ultimate goal I guess.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


The images used do not belong to me. I have just used for my evil purposes.

I feel like I've finally let go a big and important political statement under the resemblance of a crappy collage. Or maybe it's just a crappy piece of art and you should not take me seriously.
Either way... read the paper and judge by yourself.

Friday, July 28, 2017