Monday, December 17, 2018

Buon natale scoglioncelli

Con aggiunta dei segnali da dare al cane in caso di scassamento di palle

Saturday, September 22, 2018

"Per ogni punk una punkina"

io e Whitney (una mia cara amica punkettona) eravamo andate a Firenze.
Mentre stavamo parlando del più e del meno, ancora perfettamente sobrie, è uscita fuori questa bellissima frase che ora risiederà nei secoli dei secoli su questa martoriata maglietta un tempo appartenuta a mio fratello.

* * *

Whitney and I (a dear punk friend of mine) were in Florence.
While we were talking, still all sober, she turns to me and says that sentence which translated is "For each punk there is a bench" (in italian the words sound similar so it's funny, at least for me).
Now those words will reside on this memorable t-shirt till the end of time, Amen.

Friday, August 31, 2018

come essere sempre ispirati (e morire giovani) / how to always be inspired (and die young)

Devi solo mantenere in costante funzione i neuroni e aperti gli occhi perchè TUTTO potrebbe essere potenzialmente la scintilla per quel fuoco che ti brucia il cervello finchè non metti penna su foglio e crei *arte*.
Ti permette di goderti tutti i dettagli di una vita altrimenti (a mio modesto parere)  noiosa e monotona.
Ma può diventare pesante perchè potresti non avere mai un momento di pausa, nemmeno la notte. Una volta che abitui il tuo cervello a PENSARE e lo colleghi con i tuoi sentimenti e i tuoi sensi potresti non uscirne vivo. No ,seriamente. Non dormo sogni tranquilli da quando ho capito che volevo fare "l'artista". Una volta che scongeli il cervello dall'era glaciale creata dalla scuola/ genitori/ norme sociali più o meno bigotte ecc non puoi più farne a meno. Il tuo cervello funziona, punto. Non c'è chiave di spegnimento.
È bellissimo.

* * *

You just have to keep your neurons working and your eyes open because EVERYTHING could be the potential sparkle to light up the fire that burns your brain until you put pen to paper and create *art*.
It allows you to enjoy every detail of a life otherwise (in my very personal opinion) boring and monotonous. 
But it can become strenuous because you might not have a break, not even at night. Once you accostume your brain to THINK and you connect it with your feelings and your senses you might not get out alive. No, seriously. I haven't had a good night rest since I understood I wanted to become an "artist". Once you unfreeze your brain from the Ice Age created by skool/ parents / social normes more-or-less-bigoted etc you can't rest. Your brain finally works, that's it. There is no turning-off button. 
It's amazing.

Casino / Noise

Ho bisogno di un po’ di casino ora.
Il silenzio uccide.
Lo spazio vuoto stupra gli occhi.

* * *

I need some noise now.
Silence kills.
Empty spaces rape the eyes.

Monday, August 27, 2018

A's life - poem

Hurt me
Cut me up
Make me bleed
Fuck me hard.
I can't please you
but you can help me,
I'm writing as you betray me

August, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

no gods no countries - backpack

My mom bought me this backpack... I hate it, but it would have been extremely rude not to use it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Spartaco Punx -

Spartaco Punx (2018)

A mash up of some artworks I made and pictures I took.
Grazie al Centro Sociale Spartaco per l'ispirazione anarcho-comunista- punk

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

creative block

Do you know what it means?
It means not being able to put the crap you have in your head on paper. It means you are gonna drown in your own crap.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

brainwashed - collage

Collage (+ acrylic paint)
May 2018

This collage was on the spur of the moment , and I enjoyed every second of it.

italian politics - collage

Collage (+ acrylic paint)
May 2018

This is a short sum up of how italian politics work:
Berlusconi is the master and even if he cannot be re-elected in Italy, he is orchestrating all the other politicians in his coalition to reach his main goal: screw italians and get as much money as he possibly can.
Salvini is just a puppet in his hands. He still is dangerous though. He is a racist, homophobic, right wing politician.
Enough said.

Friday, May 4, 2018

COMMIE - collage

I had communist/socialist  ideals even before I read Marx or knew what communism was.
I have been bullied for my ideas of an "ideal society" and I have always been told that all of this was wrong.
Thankfully my philosophy teacher introduced me to these ideologies and I found out a couple of years ago that my family has a history in militant communism during WWII : my father's uncles were directly involved into the resistance (they were called partisans in Italy) against Mussolini.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

"Un-Fuck the System" #01 - up the punx

My second zine is out.
It's about being a punk in 2018 and the punk subculture in generale.
It features some of my illustrations too and some anecdotes about relatives and teachers not accepting my personality/life choices. 
It's not a rant about posers and being a social outcast. 
It's a celebration of the punx and keeping the punk spirit alive in the 21st century too.

You can find it here

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Don't fuck up another generation - illustration

I am not saying that the right-wing politicians are the ONLY problem in Italy, but they sure are a HUGE pain in the ass for progress, social justice and equal laws for all people.
Dear Salvini and Berlusconi since the majority in Italy has voted for you (I still can't get my head around that) ...I am already screwed... but please don't fuck up another generation.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Grrrl in Print Issue #2

I don’t often say this but: fuck me! The second issue by Grrrl Zine Fair is even better than the first one!
For those of you who still don’t know what Grrrl Zine Fair is, despite me obsessing over it for the past year, it’s an amazing project brought together thanks to Lu Williams’ strength and creative-jedi powers.
In the past years they have organized parties, zine fairs, meetings, discussions, self-defense trainings and amazing workshops, just to name a few. For more information just check out both theirs website and their facebook page.

In this second issue of the zine we have some really interesting DIY tips, from how to make a tote bag to woodwork and stitching basics. Apparently even sex is better when you do it yourself!
There is nothing more reinvigorating than a fresh point of view from other DIYers and creatives from different cultures.
This zine is another occasion to rightfully celebrate what people have to bring to the world in terms of creative content. There is not just one way of doing it well, there is no good or bad art.
There is just doing it, and doing it yourself is the best way you can.

You can purchase this issue here, but hurry up, I believe there are only a few copies left.