Saturday, April 28, 2018

"Un-Fuck the System" #01 - up the punx

My second zine is out.
It's about being a punk in 2018 and the punk subculture in generale.
It features some of my illustrations too and some anecdotes about relatives and teachers not accepting my personality/life choices. 
It's not a rant about posers and being a social outcast. 
It's a celebration of the punx and keeping the punk spirit alive in the 21st century too.

You can find it here

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Don't fuck up another generation - illustration

I am not saying that the right-wing politicians are the ONLY problem in Italy, but they sure are a HUGE pain in the ass for progress, social justice and equal laws for all people.
Dear Salvini and Berlusconi since the majority in Italy has voted for you (I still can't get my head around that) ...I am already screwed... but please don't fuck up another generation.