Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Some old news from Ribalta Experimental Film Festival in Vignola (IT)

"Whiskey the spider", 2023, 6'15"


Dopo aver passato quattro mesi nella quarta dimensione ho scoperto che in 36 ore ci sono almeno cinque giorni.

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After spending four month in the fourth dimension I found out that in 36 hours there are at least four days.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Archive: 2022 - hunky dory


self portraits

self portraits

Archive: 2022 - hellhole


a nightmare
my bedroom is my kitchen and my livingroom
a dream
I have a home

Archive: 2021 - in hot summer nights you can't help it but sweat


the watchtower

all along

Archive: 2021 - most people consider this a mistake



in the stratosphere

Archive: 2021 - a hole in motion

 I got lost on the highway.
our modern days are a constant assault on our attention and there's no way you've never been trapped or cooked or boiled or smacked or melted on the floor, by accident, hoping your parents and childhood friends would never find out how weird your brain is.

Archive: 2021 - many moons moaning


slow lovers

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Archive: 2020 - gory chains

 what I call "the AIC orange"

wearing boots in the summer is grunge and it hurts

Archive: 2020 - more metal than you

"the metal years" 

2020 was a weird year for various global reasons
personally, my household was shook when I failed at breaking my knee (middle of collage) soon after, I turned into a maniac, performing tricks and complicated choreographies with the crutches
nonetheless I spent the last leg (ha) of the year crawling on the floor or jumping around on one foot when my mom confiscated the crutches for improper use


Archive: 2020 - falling down the stairs

digital collage I have no memory of


Archive: 2020 - you sea what you see

guitar lords watching over me in my old bedroom 
don't return cds if you don't like them, it's rude


Archive: 2020 - Bob the Trickster


I've been drawing Bob for 7 years now, I think I earned the title of "best friend"

Archive: 2020 - Bob Coroner


"Bones 02"

Bob told everyone I was so smart I could have been a doctor and suddently, all the familiar eyes at the Christmas dinner table turned to me. Their piercing pupils yelling " you selfish freak, you could be saving lives right now but chose to paint on walls instead ?"
Bob percieved my difficulty, I couldn't bare the sight of all that  uneaten food because of my selfish ways. So he came to the rescue and added " no, no I mean one of those doctors that cut corpses open !! " 
few seconds of silence then everybody laughed, relieved that what they always thought of me was right: I am just dumb

first three paintings: acrylic and spray paint on paper
the big piece at the bottom: spraypaint on plexiglass

"Bob & eye"

digital collage of a picture of my burning eye and Bob spraypainted on amazon cardboards

Archive: 2020 - when the nasty pandemic hit

I graduated in etching and printmaking which is a very peculiar and expensive endeavor, one of those you need a lab to carry out.

drawing is relatively cheap instead

so enjoy some cheap art from the 20 below

1: ink on paper
2: ink and markers on paper
3: oil pastels on paper
4: hand-made stickers (they spell: YOUR SOUL IS CLOGGED, a personal favorite ongoing joke of mine)

Archive: 2019 - paintings, patches & other mishaps


these are the last paintings I did before leaving Urbino, lots of bones, flesh, guts and crusts

top left, top right and bottom right: acrylics on plexiglass;
the distorted face is a digital edit I did of my face;
bottom left is all that's wrong with gravity and indelible ink when they meet. On the corner, on the left of the picture, there's the fine art I was painting on the door.

in the center there are some patches I made that summer 
if you like them and want one, write me. I'll repeat that in eyetalian for my eyetalian friends: SE VOLETE UNA TOPPA, SCRIVETEMI

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Archive: 2019 - it's a stretch to call your parent's garage a studio


double exposure done on camera
Nikon D5200

Archive: 2019 - macro


one evening my dad made me try his old canon macro lenses. I don't remember exactly how macro photography came up in our discussion but we started fucking around with his old equipment shooting anything in sight

Archive: 2018 - probably in the lab

Archive: 2018 - Tafanovaginite band


This was a shooting I did with Tafanovaginite for Riot Grrrl Reviews.
The interview and pictures ended up on the zine by Jolie aka @theescapistartist on IG

Tafanovaginite are: Whitney (with the sombrero and white wig) & Alba (with a yellow bird on her widow costume) & Silvia

Archive: 2018 - Brother


my brother, the best of the two.

I was probably just fucking around with the camera on the beach.

Archive: 2017 - Francisca


Fran, from the archive, way back in 2017.
A couple of weeks before I moved to another city to go to art school

Archive: 2017 - Croatia