Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Zine Review : GRRRL IN PRINT

Before even starting. What the hell is a zine?
By definition a zine is a self-published staple bound  magazine featuring original or appropriated art, comics, photos, poems, rants, reviews... anything creative. Usually they are run by not-for-profit collectives of people and DIYed.
I began to make some researches on zines back in 2015 when I purchased HannahPixie’s zine “The Key” in collaboration with Anastasia Tasou and many other artists from all over the world.
I later purchased some other zines but only recently I began to be interested in some activist-feminist zines.

This is why I bought from Grrrl their first paper zine.
GrrrlZine Fair is a not-for-profit organization based in the UK that puts up inclusive zine fairs and music events in order to ensure a space where everybody who doesn’t  feel accepted in the mainstream culture can find a place to have fun. Anybody is invited: women, queer, boys, gay or straight, black and white. The more diverse the more fun!

This first issue is about DIY in modern culture and how people include it in their everyday life. You can purchase it here.
When the zine arrived in the mail it was inside a recyclable plastic bag, which made me really happy just for the fact that it was recyclable. So I’d say: good plastic bag choice! (I’m not being weird. Professional bloggers review even the bags things come in … so I’m just being professional right now.  Hopefully.)

Back to the topic. Inside the RECYCLABLE bag you’ll find: an A4 magazine with some BRILLIANT comics stripes and interviews, an A5 zine with playlists, interviews, art advices, some rad photos and art pieces. Last but not least some other art pieces and poetry on an A6 format.
And if you think it’s not enough you’ll get also a stunning A3 poster too. Which has instantly gained a special place on my wall near the bed as a constant reminder that Doing It Yourself is better than not doing it at all.

Before you move on with your life, let me finish this by saying that I strongly recommend to check them out and if you feel like a nice human being you could also support them or even take part in some of their activities.

Ok. I’m done.
Check them out.

(And no, this wasn’t sponsored.)

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